Super Storm Liz, 1st at Mohegan ASD

Super Storm Liz

A strong entry of 29 amateur shooting dogs celebrated the first trial of the fall 2023 season. The Mohegan Bird Dog Club was the site of this event held over the well-groomed grounds of the Freeland Kennel Club, August 19, 2024. Entrants from NY, NJ, MD, IL and CT traveled to Weatherly, PA for this event.

Our Super Storm LIz put forward a fast, furious and forward hunting effort in the near 80-degree weather. Unfazed by the conditions and heavy cover, Liz searched hard in the opening 15 minutes of hunting. She was found ahead pointing with 12 o’clock style and excellent intensity. Handler, Thor Kain, dispatched a good flying single quail with Liz remaining staunch and intense. She continued her effort exhibiting consistent determination and drive. Always known for her speed, Liz scored again with similar arresting style and intensity as another quail was well located and dispatched. From here she faced the challenge of finishing in the heat with heavy cover taking its toll on many participants. Liz showed that she was more a match for these conditions as she hunted forward with plenty of go power until time was called. This is an outstanding start to the new field trial season and we look forward to seeing her compete over the full fall ’23 season.