Straight Forward, RU Champion at the Northern New England Woodcock Championship

Straight Forward
Straight Forward

In late September 2012 forty-four cover dogs gathered in Maine to compete in the one hour Northern New England Woodcock Championship.   Our young female Straight Forward (Keystone’s Red Rage ex Quixstar) was named the Runner-Up in a stellar field.  Dave Hughes handled  3-year old “Cracker” to this win in the early weeks of the fall 2012 coverdog season.  As a young dog “Cracker”  won steadily as a puppy and derby and in the spring of 2012 she scored wins in cover dog all-age stakes with Dick Brenneman handling.  When she is at home “Cracker” has generally been handled in workouts by Helen Brenneman.  “Cracker” is expected to complete the fall trial season with Dave Hughes.