Pennstar continues at stud and producing accomplished coverdogs



Pennstar, now 12 years old, continues to produce pups that have high potential to excel as cover dogs.  “Rock” sired a quality litter for Scott Chaffee early this summer from a daughter of Taz.  We made the trip to MI to pick out a pup and were impressed with the animated, bold, straight-tailed pups.  We picked out a female.

As we have done for the last several years, we had “Rock’s” semen analyzed by Dr. Martin, a reproductive specialist, in Lewisburg, PA.  In September 2012, Dr. Martin declared that Rock’s semen had a remarkably high sperm count with a high percentage of normally shaped sperm that had excellent motility.  “This dog has the semen quality of a two year old!”, he exclaimed. 

We are fortunate to be able to continue offering 5X Ch. Pennstar’s stud services to the public.  He sired this year’s winner (Full Blast) of both the Flanagan and Foster Awards for cover dog derby of the year.  This is the 4th  winner of the Flanagan Award that Pennstar has sired.  Additionally he has sired winners of the Grand National Grouse Championship, the Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational, three 1st place winners of the Grand National Grouse Futurity and more than 30 Cover Dog Classic winners.