Bold Move is retired. Gone hunting.

Bold Move

Bold Move


Bold Move, our son of Pennstar, is retired.  “Fire” has been a favorite of ours for several years.  Handled by Dick and at other times, Dave Hughes, “Fire”  racked up a string of derby wins and then competed successfully for a couple of season as an all-age.  Full brother to Grand National Ch. Full Tilt, “Fire” rendered many exciting performances and established himself as a dog who could deliver the goods, be it in NH, NY,PA or MI.   “Fire” produced one litter and his daughter, the young female, Spitfire, has scored several wins including a first in a large open derby field. 

It’s painful to retire a good dog.  With our limited time, “retirement” from trialing usually means finding a good home with a hunter.  “Fire” will finish out his life hunting grouse and woodcock in PA and pheasants in South Dakota with his new owner.  We are confident “Fire” has found a home worthy of his ability and record and we continue to have access to him as a sire when we or others find a strategic place to insert him into a breeding program.