All In & Full Blast

We have been “blessed” (?) with four male pups of high quality.
- All In, whelped June 4, 2010. By Ch. Lilleyhills Secret Stash x Grand National Grouse Ch. Full Tilt
- PepperUpper, whelped January, 2010. By 5x Ch. Pennstar ex Stella Doro
- Navistar, whelped Feb. 11, 2010. By 5xCh. Pennstar ex Starlite Jessy
- Full Blast, whelped March 5, 2010. By 5x Ch. Pennstar ex Walnut Hills Cracklin Patch
Each of these pups has placed in puppy stakes. Typically by this age we would have been able to see that some of the pups we are carrying don’t have Championship characteristics. Dave Hughes is working three of these pups this summer and so far he says they are “‘all keepers”. They all look good on game and are progressing well in standing steady to wing and shot. They all look exciting running hard with cracking tails. They all look exciting on point with straight tails.
Ten years ago we would have been thrilled to have just one pup who looked as good as any of these do. The quality of the setters we are seeing has been elevated over time as we have stuck to our philosophy as to the type of dog we want to produce and develop. We are now in our thirtieth year and 7th generation of dogs we have produce and campaigned. Sticking with a plan over these decades is paying off. We can’t keep them all and eventually we will pick out the dog(s) we like best from this crop. It’s been an exciting year working these pups and seeing them develop as bird dogs.