Super Storm traveled to Rhode Island and the Arcadian Bird Dog Club to continue his fall campaign. The trip proved worthwhile as he was named the first place winner of their amateur shooting dog stake. The account of his running follows from his handler, Thor Kain.
“Fed was to the front as far as the eye could see at the breakaway, but hunting. First on the left of the course, then crossing and hunting to the left. Got him and put him on an edge perpendicular to the course. About the time I thought he reached the end of that edge I started singing to him and he turned forward toward the front. He rimmed the field to the right side of the course. Then last seen going forward, singing for him again and I could just hear his bell as he came back. When he saw me he turned and went out the other side. Ahead he was seen crossing far to the front and swapping ends-standing like a bull. Couldn’t produce the bird so sent to relocate and he rifles ahead 30 yards and pinned 3 quail that I put to wing. Fed steady to the flush and shot. Forward upon release, Fed faded off the bell and we found him standing to the front. A bird was dispatched and Fed steady throughout the wing and shot, all the while not blinking an eye. Just before the big field that is the finish, Fed swaps ends again and is a statue on a long quail. I heeled him out into the field and made him turn and then I hit the whistle. He was on and off the bell hunting both sides of the course and occasionally crossing hunting with totally application to the end.”
Thor confided that he thought this was the best single 30 minute performance by any dog he’s ever seen.