Full Breeze acquits herself well at Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship

Full Breeze

Full Breeze hunted the required first and second days of the Invitational with serious application. Despite unseasonably hot conditions which all the dogs faced, “Bree” fought through the conditions and hunted hard and with intelligence. On day one she was credited with a sharp, stylish find on a woodcock. The judges said they were impressed with how hard she stuck the bird and her composure through the flush and shot. On day two she continued to hunt and on occasion she reached out to some rather distant objectives/cuts where she was found pointing by her scout. Before he could call point, the woodcock lifted disturbed by the scout. She was taken on without getting credit for this find as it was not seen under judgment. These two days of good effort done in a classy fashion led the judges to ask for her to be among the four dogs they wanted to compete on day 3 for the title. Making the cut onto the day 3 roster is an accomplishment and honor in itself. On day 3 she again went about her business with surprising determination given the two previous consecutive days of hunting in the heat. Day 3 was more temperate. At 15 minutes on day 3 on a sharp turn on the course “Bree” got disconnected from her handler, Dave Hughes. About 15 minutes later as we came over a rise, there was “Bree” standing tall with an 11 o’clock, intense pointing pose. Since Dave was not on hand, Mark Hughes took over and flushed a woodcock well off “Bree’s” nose. Since she was not beating the eventual champion Chase Hill Poison Ivy, she was picked up ending her bid.